Response Parameters
Paramater Description Data Type
country_prices List of country prices that override default price Array
active Bundle is currently available for sale Bool
bundle_id Unique reference id to bundle Integer
description Description of bundle contents Text
name Name of the bundle String (100)
price Default bundle price Double
promo_code Promotion code for special pricing bundles String (25)
publication_id Unique reference id to publication Integer
subscriptions Array of subscriptions Array
subscriptions.issues String
subscriptions.publication_id String
type Type of bundle "Print", "Digital", "Both"
Example Response
  "name":"All Four Magazines Special",
  "description":"New subscription or subscription extension for one year to the following magazines: Omaha Magazine (6 issues), B2B Magazine (4 issues), The Encounter Magazine (6 issues), Her Magazine (6 issues.)",
    "United States":"10.00",